The Students’ Hostel

This is a ministry that came our way quite unexpectedly. Ever since we settled at Kappadu there was official request from the part of St. Antony’s Higher Secondary School at Anakkallu which is only 3 kilometres from the monastery to open a hostel for their students. But we kept refusing, as we did not consider ourselves in a position to take up such a ministry. But when we built the new monastery and the community shifted into it, the old house where we had lived for more than 15 years was going to be vacant. So we agreed to accommodate 21 students. That was the beginning. But the number of students interested in staying in our boarding kept increasing; and we kept adding temporary facilities. Now we accommodate 300 young men in our boarding. We are already adding a new wing to the existing building.

The ministry is being appreciated by all concerned. The young men certainly benefit from their stay with us for two years. Their daily presence at the Evening Prayer is very impressive. A number of them attend daily Mass and communicate. On Sundays all Catholics attend Mass and receive communion. All the students attend our evening prayer, "Ramsa" everyday. The Students’ Hostel is a real Centre of Inter-religious dialogue, since we have Catholics, Christians belonging to other denominations, Hindus and Muslims living together without any problem. Fr. Jose Puzhakkara is the Hostel Warden and he is assisted by Fr. Sheen Providence and Br. Daris Uzhuthinamalayil.